Biosecurity, Pest & Disease


Queensland Grow Me Instead Project 0.00 KB 11 downloads

The Nursery & Garden Industry Queensland (NGIQ) has successfully applied for...

Product Management and Biosecurity 0.00 KB 22 downloads

The recent detection of Myrtle rust in Cairns is a timely reminder to all production...

Red imported fire ant progress 0.00 KB 27 downloads

The Fire Ant Control Centre (FACC) is gaining significant ground against red imported...

Red Imported Fire Ant final treatments 0.00 KB 14 downloads

As of May 2004 the majority of Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) infested areas have had...

Red Imported Fire Ant nests at Rochedale 0.00 KB 18 downloads

Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) has been relatively quite however NGIQ was notified...

Lettuce aphid detected in Victoria 0.00 KB 10 downloads

Lettuce aphid (Nasonovia ribisnigri) has been recently detected in Victoria (mid...

Crazy Ants 0.00 KB 15 downloads

Crazy Ant has been detected in south east Queensland at an industrial estate near...

Citrus Canker – rest of Queensland 0.00 KB 15 downloads

NGIQ is pleased to advise that the treatment protocols required under the Citrus...

Queensland Plant Protection Act Amendment Bill 2004 0.00 KB 13 downloads

It is a demonstrated fact that the movement of live germ plasm (plants) increases...

Lantana bug 0.00 KB 20 downloads

Recent information from the Department of Natural Resources & Mines (DNR&M)...

Citrus Canker Update 0.00 KB 11 downloads

The recent detection of Citrus canker on a citrus orchard in the Emerald area has...

Citrus Canker – Quarantine Release 0.00 KB 9 downloads

The activity and hype over the recent incursion of Citrus Canker has died down to...

Nursery industry biosecurity 0.00 KB 20 downloads

Following on from the information provided in the May edition of Leaflet I would...

Nursery industry biosecurity 0.00 KB 20 downloads

Biosecurity is a term that has risen in prominence over the past three to four years...

ACDC alternative qualifications 0.00 KB 18 downloads

The Agricultural Chemicals Distribution Control Board (ACDC) has approved (pursuant...

Tropical Fire Ants Pest Alert 0.00 KB 19 downloads

The NGIQ have been notified of a new exotic pest incursion into Queensland. The recent...

Production & Management

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    Water & Irrigation


    IDEMP Resource Package 8.79 MB 56 downloads


    Calculators - Water Management Tool Box 0.00 KB 33 downloads

    Water is an essential input into the nursery industry, not only is vital for production...

    Iron in Irrigation Water 0.00 KB 51 downloads

    Iron makes up at least 5% of the earth’s crust. Rainfall seeping through the crust...

    Irrigation Water Test Interpretation 0.00 KB 119 downloads

    Regular on-site irrigation water testing is recommended for all production nurseries,...

    Knowing Your Irrigation and Drainage System 0.00 KB 31 downloads

    How much do you know about your irrigation and drainage? Knowledge of your irrigation...

    Monitoring Leaching Fractions 0.00 KB 25 downloads

    One of the common questions asked about newly installed irrigation layouts is, ‘How...

    Selecting a Centrifugal Pump for Nursery Production Irrigation 0.00 KB 23 downloads

    Irrigation pumping can be a significant cost for production nurseries, with many...

    Pump Efficiency Monitoring 0.00 KB 15 downloads

    As with all machinery, pumping systems will decline in efficiency over time, either...

    Reverse Osmosis Systems 0.00 KB 21 downloads

    The most significant raw material to the human race is water. Water in its clean,...

    Slow flow filtration design, construction and use 0.00 KB 21 downloads

    When compared to other disinfestation methods, slow flow filtration (SFF) systems can...

    Solar Pumping 0.00 KB 17 downloads

    With the increasing cost of energy from the grid, the option of using renewable energy...

    Understanding and Managing Power Factor 0.00 KB 13 downloads

    A recent development in the way electricity companies provide power to businesses,...

    Variable Frequency Drive Controllers: when should they be used 0.00 KB 18 downloads

    Variable frequency drive (VFD) controllers are an efficient and reliable way of using...

    Water balance 0.00 KB 23 downloads

    Water quality and quantity is essential for nursery production to facilitate the...

    Water Resource Planning (WRP) in Queensland 0.00 KB 14 downloads

    In 1994 the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) released the National Water...

    Weather Stations 0.00 KB 21 downloads

    A weather station comprises a number of instruments that measure atmospheric, and...

    Growing Media

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