Biosecurity, Pest & Disease


RIFA comparison map for June 2024 to July 2024 535.69 KB 3 downloads

Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) comparison map, which shows changes to the Interstate...

Social and economic research report 1.43 MB 31 downloads

This report forms Milestone 104 of the project, NY18010 Ensuring Business Continuity...

Case-study of the Nursery Production Industry 1.76 MB 38 downloads

This report forms Milestone 5 of the project, National grower-led surveillance system:...

Review of social and economic impacts and business continuity 566.53 KB 23 downloads

This report forms Milestone 103 of the project, NY18010 Ensuring Business Continuity...

Social and economic research findings during a production nursery biosecurity incursion 0.00 KB 15 downloads

The webinar presents the social and economic challenges for production nurseries...

Disinfestation of Nursery Equipment and Surfaces 427.81 KB 204 downloads

Disinfestation of the various equipment and surfaces used in a production nursery...

Sudden oak death 0.00 KB 38 downloads

This contingency plan provides background information on the pest biology and available...

Soilborne root pathogens in production nurseries 0.00 KB 129 downloads

The purpose of this paper is to provide information on destructive soilborne fungal...

Managing silverleaf whitefly in production nurseries 0.00 KB 63 downloads

Background and general biology In general, adult whiteflies are small (about 1 mm...

Cylindrocladium diseases of nursery plants 0.00 KB 56 downloads

Various species of the fungus Cylindrocladium cause a wide range of destructive diseases...

Water Weed Management 0.00 KB 41 downloads

Aquatic plants perform a number of beneficial functions in aquatic systems. They...

Nursery Production Pest Monitoring, Inspection and Surveillance Methodology 0.00 KB 98 downloads

In 2013 NGIA commissioned a project to investigate statistically valid systems and...

Nematodes in nurseries 0.00 KB 50 downloads

Nematodes are a diverse group of microscopic, non-segmented round worms that are...

Myrtle Rust (Uredo rangelii) Management Plan 0.00 KB 95 downloads

Myrtle rust (Uredo rangelii) has the potential to infect all myrtaceous plants in...

Herbivorous mites A pest management plan for production nurseries 0.00 KB 92 downloads

The purpose of this pest management plan is to provide production nurseries with...

Mealybugs A pest of a different scale 0.00 KB 92 downloads

Mealybugs are a specific type of scale insect from the family Pseudococcidae. They...

Production & Management


Growing Bench Design and Installation 315.98 KB 128 downloads

Constructing production nursery growing benches to the standard recognised and encouraged...

Energy Savers Program An overview of energy use and cost savings in nurseries 1.55 MB 75 downloads

This article discusses the results of energy audits conducted by NGIQ for the QFF...

Energy Savers Webinar 0.00 KB 57 downloads

This webinar is part of the QFF Energy Savers Plus Program Extension (ESPPE) funded...

Growing Bed Design and Installation 451.55 KB 129 downloads

Constructing production growing beds to the standard recognised and encouraged under...

Disinfestation of Nursery Equipment and Surfaces 427.81 KB 204 downloads

Disinfestation of the various equipment and surfaces used in a production nursery...

Understanding and Managing Power Factor 525.09 KB 36 downloads

Power factor is the way electricity providers measure how efficiently electricity...

BMP Growing Benches 0.00 KB 97 downloads

Constructing growing benches to the standard recognised and encouraged under the...

BMP Growing Beds 0.00 KB 75 downloads

Constructing growing beds to the standard recognised and encouraged under the nursery...

Production Potting 0.00 KB 162 downloads

The potting operation is a major component of most production nursery operations....

Work Flow Efficiency 0.00 KB 83 downloads

To achieve maximum efficiency within a potting operation, and to minimise production...

Weed Management 0.00 KB 88 downloads

Weeds or pest plants can have serious economic, environmental, and social impacts....

Reading electricity meters 0.00 KB 19 downloads

While electricity meters are read regularly by energy providers, a knowledge of how...

Energy Plans 0.00 KB 25 downloads

While energy efficiency in pumping systems is an important component in reducing...

Windbreaks 0.00 KB 46 downloads

Reducing the impact of wind Few people involved in the nursery industry would...

Property Planning 0.00 KB 65 downloads

The production of top quality container plants is dependent on the supply of a number...

Potting Labour 0.00 KB 69 downloads

Research into the labour costs associated with the potting process, funded by the...

Water & Irrigation


Drip Irrigation Layouts & Management 0.00 KB 188 downloads

Drip irrigation is an efficient method of applying water in containerised nursery...

Management of Nursery Water Storages 1.69 MB 78 downloads

Maintaining the best possible water quality in a nursery water storage is essential...

Designing Nursery Pumping Systems 758.96 KB 82 downloads

Nursery irrigation practices are energy intensive, requiring significant volumes...

Installing, Operating and Assessing Nursery Pumping Systems 722.97 KB 63 downloads

Paying attention to the correct installation, operation and maintenance of a new...

Queensland Water Act - 2021 2.62 MB 40 downloads

The availability of good quality irrigation water in sufficient quantities is necessary...

Water Quality Testing in Production Nurseries 814.25 KB 100 downloads

Due to the large variations likely to be encountered in surface, underground or drainage...

BioRemedy Water Quality Management Videos 0.00 KB 43 downloads

Effective management of water quality in nursery water storages is essential in providing...

Water Retention 1.23 MB 72 downloads

‘Water retention efficiency’ is the capacity of a potting mix to retain water...

Irrigation Systems in Action Field Day 2021 Handout 363.02 KB 87 downloads

There are a number of different irrigation system types used in production nurseries....

Disinfestation of Irrigation Water 678.31 KB 86 downloads

Production nurseries require a water supply that is reliable, low cost and of excellent...

Selecting Nursery Sprinklers 1,008.20 KB 152 downloads

The process of selecting a sprinkler and establishing an irrigation system for a...

Selecting Pumps for Nursery Production 792.55 KB 43 downloads

Nursery irrigation pumping can consume considerable amounts of energy and be a significant...

Waterwork Nursery Irrigation System Design Webinar 0.00 KB 51 downloads

Efficient irrigation systems deliver real economic benefits to a nursery. The aim...

NGIQ Dripper & Spray Stake Selection Tool 51.33 KB 126 downloads

This tool calculates the Mean Application Rate (MAR) and appropriateness of a drip...

Fertigation in Production Nurseries 849.79 KB 94 downloads

Description: Fertigation is the application of dissolved fertilisers through an irrigation...

Bottom Watering Irrigation Systems 1.32 MB 117 downloads

Bottom watering systems are the most water efficient method of nursery irrigation....

Growing Media


Growing Media for Container Production 1.23 MB 917 downloads

An understanding of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of a growing...

Calibrating Meters 0.00 KB 232 downloads

pH and Electrical Conductivity meters are extremely useful pieces of equipment used...

Coir Video 0.00 KB 195 downloads

Coir, coir fibre pith or coconut fibre is a one hundred percent natural, sustainable...

Growing Media Air Filled Porosity Testing 0.00 KB 803 downloads

Plant roots require air as well as water to remain healthy. The amount of air held...

Growing Media Water Holding Capacity Testing 0.00 KB 560 downloads

Knowing the amount of water held within a growing media, referred to as Water Holding...

Growing Media pH and EC Testing 0.00 KB 457 downloads

Knowing the pH and Electrical Conductivity or EC of your growing media can help you...

Growing Media Wettability Testing 0.00 KB 258 downloads

The ability of a growing media to take up water effectively once it has dried out...

Growing Media Water Holding Capacity & Wettability Testing 0.00 KB 548 downloads

The Water Holding Capacity (WHC) of a growing media measures the amount of water...

Water Retention Efficiency of Growing Media 0.00 KB 265 downloads

Water retention efficiency (WRE) is a measure of the ability of a growing media to...

Growing Media Physical Properties: 0.00 KB 640 downloads

Air filled porosity (AFP), water holding capacity (WHC), bulk density, shrinkage,...

Growing Media pH and EC Testing: Method (for soil-less growing media) 0.00 KB 356 downloads

The pH measures the hydrogen ions in the growing media, while EC (electrical conductivity)...

Growing Media pH and EC Testing 0.00 KB 154 downloads

The pH measures the hydrogen ions in the growing media, while EC (electrical conductivity)...

Media pH Management, Liming Rates 0.00 KB 115 downloads

Understanding pH management starts with your choice of growing media components,...

Some Organic Growing Media Components and their Characteristics 0.00 KB 216 downloads

In last week’s article we mentioned briefly that nurseries should have the correct...

Will any growing media suffice to grow the best plants possible? 0.00 KB 136 downloads

the growing of plants there are fundamental aspects which need to be fulfilled to...

Growing Media Physical Properties 0.00 KB 239 downloads

An understanding of the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of a growing...

Case Studies


Shamrock Plants: Improving Nursery Production Efficiency 6.54 MB 68 downloads

Shamrock Plants is located at Carbrook in Brisbane's southern suburbs, with the business...

Kingfisher Wholesale Nursery Best Management Practice Growing Area Construction 3.61 MB 97 downloads

Kingfisher Wholesale Nursery is located at Clagiraba in the Gold Coast hinterland,...

Australis Plants: Improving Water & Pumping Efficiency 5.09 MB 25 downloads

Australis Plants is owned and operated by Greg O’Sullivan, and specializes in olive...

Energy Savers Program An overview of energy use and cost savings in nurseries 1.55 MB 75 downloads

This article discusses the results of energy audits conducted by NGIQ for the QFF...

Mackay Natural Environment Centre Best Management Practice Sprinkler Layouts 6 MB 30 downloads

The Mackay Natural Environment Centre (MNEC), located in North Mackay, is one of...

Managing Water Storages Water Quality Case Study 0.00 KB 66 downloads

This video describes how using a biological water clarifier was used to improve water...

Fitzroy Nurseries Best Management Practice Growing Area Construction 0.00 KB 45 downloads

Fitzroy Nurseries is a third generation nursery located at Pink Lilly on the Fitzroy...

Ibrox Park Nursery Water savings from irrigation scheduling 0.00 KB 41 downloads

Ibrox Park Nursery is located at Burbank in the eastern suburbs of Brisbane, and...

Recycling Benefits 0.00 KB 32 downloads

Benaraby Junction Nursery, located near Gladstone, is a production nursery supplying...

Portable Weight Based Scheduling Tool 0.00 KB 31 downloads

The Portable Weight Based Scheduling Tool (PWBST) has been developed under...

Nursery Production 0.00 KB 61 downloads

Tropical Exotics nursery is located at Ningi north of Brisbane and is owned by...

Model for Best Practice 0.00 KB 53 downloads

Wallum Nursery is a wholesale Australian native plant nursery, specialising...

Irrigation Upgrade 0.00 KB 29 downloads

Carbrook Nursery is situated on 4.4 hectares of land at Fischer Road at...

Irrigation System Upgrade 0.00 KB 25 downloads

Logans Nursery is an established tree and shrub nursery located on Brisbane’s...

Ground Water Storage 0.00 KB 21 downloads

Tingalpa Wholesale Nursery is situated on 25 acres at Sunnydene Road Capalaba...

Bottom up Irrigation 0.00 KB 31 downloads

In 1976 Don and Daphne established Heatons Wholesale Fern Nursery at Nambour on Queensland’s...

Fact Sheets

No downloads found!

    Videos Podcasts & Webinars

    Farm Business Resilience Plans

    In this video you'll learn how to complete a Farm Business Resilience Plan.

    Farm Business Resilience Program Webinar

    In this webinar you’ll learn about the recent changes to drought funding and assistance programs, and how to complete a Farm Business Resilience Plan then submit it as part of an application for funding under the program.

    NGIQ Video

    The NGIQ YouTube channel contains videos on a wide range of topics related to nursery production.

    Manual Handling
    Drip Irrigation Layouts & Management

    Drip irrigation is an efficient method of applying water in containerised nursery production, but the number of arrows per container, Mean Application Rate and pulsing need to be considered in designing and managing these systems.

    Golden Grove Pty Ltd Podcast – listen on-line

    In this podcast Wayne Parr from Golden Grove Nursery talks about the history of Golden Grove Nursery, how they have changed and improved their irrigation system over the years, and what their future plans are, particularly around water use efficiency.        

    Waterwork Nursery Irrigation System Design Webinar

    Efficient irrigation systems deliver real economic benefits to a nursery. The aim of any design is to apply enough water evenly to meet all plant needs in the time available. This webinar details the requirements for designing a nursery irrigation system to provide even water application, save money in capital and running costs, save water, and meet the management constraints necessary to run the nursery


    Waterworth's Nursery Podcast Listen On-Line

    In this podcast Josh Waterworth from Waterworth’s Nursery, situated near Beerwah on the Sunshine Coast talks about the history of Waterworth’s Nursery, their journey with upgrading their irrigation system and propagation facilities, their latest developments and future plans, particularly around water use efficiency.




    Waterwork Irrigation Scheduling Webinar

    In this webinar you’ll learn about: plant water use, the link between nutrient and water management, how plant water use varies in different nursery environments, how water is held in growing media, how to schedule irrigation systems to match plant water use, how to measure plant water use, how to measure leachate volumes.

    Energy Savers Webinar

    This webinar is part of the QFF Energy Savers Plus Program Extension (ESPPE) funded by the Queensland Government. It presents a brief overview of the findings across the whole program, with guest host, David Hunt from NGIQ, presenting an overview of the Nursery industry and findings from recent energy audits. David further discusses in detail propagation heating system types and discusses options to increase energy efficiency while reducing the costs of heating systems

    Managing Drought in Plant Nurseries Workshop

    The best time to prepare for a drought is before the event. In this workshop presentation we’ll give you information on some of the things you should consider when managing droughts that are affecting your business. Kerry Battersby Nursery & Garden Industry Queensland (NGIQ) - Drought risk management - 00:01:45. Erik Schmidt Center for Agricultural Engineering (CAE) – Evaporation mitigation - 00:27:10. Ben Walsh - BioRemedy – Managing water quality in water storages - 01:08:40.


    Flourish Plants Podcast Listen On-Line

    Flourish Plants are a well-known production nursery in North Queensland who produce a wide range of stock from seedlings to ornamental landscape lines. In this podcast Elaine Duncan talks about the history of Flourish Plants, their latest nursery developments and their future plans, particularly water use efficiency.

    Energy Efficiency in Nursery Pumping

    This webinar gives an insight into pump efficiency and setting up efficient pumping systems in production nurseries so you can ask appropriate questions and understand what an irrigation specialist is telling you.


    Advisor Accessible Nursery Information Sources

    This webinar is the second in a two part series, showing the range of technical resources available to the Nursery Industry through advisors, and how the resources are used.

    Big Leaf Nursery Podcast Part 2 Listen on-line

    Big Leaf Wholesale Nurseries is located at North Arm on the Sunshine Coast, and is operated by Kieran Studders and Greg and Jackie Phillpott, with a staff of 10. In this second podcast Kieran shares his experiences with moving the nursery to another site, and the improvements that have been made in irrigation and production efficiency.

    Grower Accessible Information Sources Webinar

    Over a period in excess of 25 years there have been a range of resources developed by the Nursery and Garden Industry that can be used to help production nurseries improve water use efficiency. Some of these resources are freely available to the industry, either as internet downloads or hard copy resources, while others are only available through industry technical officers. This webinar, the first of a two part series, will show you the range of available grower resources and how they can be accessed.